Freeze-dried cheese makes it easy to add 100% real cheese to your favorite recipes without the hassle of shredding or the risk of spoilage. Cheese is a must-have emergency food staple and a go-to...
Freeze-Dried Sliced Strawberries are packed with Vitamin C and can be enjoyed as a snack right out of the can or reconstituted with water to use in desserts like strawberry shortcakes, milkshakes...
Vegetable Medley Blend is a perfect combination of potato dices, cabbage flakes, chopped onions, carrot dices, celery slices, and red and green peppers. It’s a quick and easy way to add hearty...
6 Month Emergency Food Kitthe Valley Food Storage regency Food Kit puts quality first.
Packed with a wide variety of hearty and wholesome breakfasts, entrees, and essential proteins, this...
The Valley Food Storage 6 Week Emergency Food Kit puts quality first.
Packed with a wide variety of hearty and wholesome breakfasts, entrees, and essential proteins, this Kit will fuel you...
The Valley Food Storage 1050 Serving Long-Term Emergency Food Kit puts quality first.Packed with a wide variety of hearty and wholesome breakfasts, entrees, and essential proteins, this Kit will...
The Valley Food Storage 2 Week Emergency Food Kit puts quality first. Packed with a wide variety of hearty and wholesome breakfasts, entrees, and essential proteins, this Kit will fuel you with...
The Valley Food Storage 1 Month Emergency Food Kit puts quality first.
Packed with a wide variety of hearty and wholesome breakfasts, entrees, and essential proteins, this Kit will fuel...
CDC Recommends At Least 3 Days Of Emergency Food Per Person for hurricane preparedness.
The Valley Food Storage 72-Hour Hurricane Emergency Food Kit provides you with 1,800 calories per day...
CDC Recommends At Least 3 Days Of Emergency Food Per Person for blizzard preparedness. The Valley Food Storage 72-Hour Hurricane Emergency Food Kit provides you with 1,800 calories per day for 3...
Averages 18,900 total calories
The bucket includes a selection of our most popular and delicious breakfast selections - making survival food enjoyable.
Valley Food Storage is a...
Averages 9,300 Total Calories
Our Entrée Bucket contains 12 bags filled with a variety of our most popular lunch and dinner entrées. These are meals the whole family will love straight from...
Our Freeze-Dried Fruit & Vegetable Bucket contains 6 pouches of freeze-dried fruit and 6 bags of freeze-dried vegetables, featuring our most popular produce. These fruits and vegetables were...
The Valley Food Storage Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket features a 12 pouch variety of our most popular freeze-dried fruit options. These fruits were picked at peak freshness and freeze-dried to...
CDC Recommends At Least 3 Days Of Emergency Food Per Person.
The Valley Food Storage 72-Hour Emergency Food Kit provides you with 1,800 calories per day for 3 days. Whether you're planning...
Our bulk Freeze-Dried Vegetable Bucket features 12 bags of our most popular freeze-dried veggies. These vegetables were picked at peak freshness and freeze-dried to preserve the integrity of the...
Food + Water + Shelter = Survival
The Valley Food Storage Bug Out Bag provides you with food, water, and shelter - the 3 vital elements needed for survival, plus critical tools needed for...
Valley Food Storage Freeze Dried Whole Milk offers a rich, creamy taste and is an essential addition to your emergency food storage. Packed with high-quality calories, our whole milk is perfect...
The most essential and highly sought after food source for survival is protein from meat. Our Freeze-dried Beef & Rice Bucket contains pure, USDA inspected beef with additional parboiled rice...
Valley Food StorageFreeze Dried Cheddar Cheese is one of the most versatile options to have in your kitchen. This freeze dried cheese can be used in sandwiches, quesadillas, soup or even by itself...